About Us

We spent years hosting trivia nights in bars and restaurants – with hours and hours every week dedicated to finding good questions. We, too, used to grab questions from board games, find a few interesting ones online, or yes, purchase a few. And we also discovered the hard way that so many of those answers are wrong! We have made it our goal to fact-check our answers, and to share it with other DJs, so they don’t have to spend those endless hours researching.

Also important is keeping the customers happy, and having them return to play again each week. We created a game that everyone can enjoy – young and old, the trivia-mongers, and people just coming out for a fun night.

Creating trivia questions has always been a time-consuming process and is the hardest part of running a trivia event. We take the hard work out of creating your questions and provide a reliable source of trivia, while creating a “keep-‘em-coming-back” game for your customers.

“Team trivia players love to argue over answers, so my questions have to be bulletproof! Trivia Game Network’s questions are well written, so there is no chance for alternate interpretations or multiple correct answers. I have never had a player prove me incorrect on one of TGN’s questions, and I think that’s the most important part of running a successful team trivia night.”

Matt J, Trivia Host

“I have followed Trivia Game Network for about 3 years now, and their trivia has been nothing but amazing for all age groups. The questions are well thought out and are interesting. From Pop Culture to History, they keep trivia fresh, upbeat and exciting. This keeps the game balanced and fair, as well as fun for all types of people. I highly recommend their trivia to any DJ looking to host an event where they are in charge of entertaining and engaging with the audience.”

Javon Venzen, DJ VI Guy

“Me and several friends have attended a regular trivia game for many, many years. We have many choices for finding a game but preferred this one. The questions were creative, intelligent and covered a broad wealth of subjects. They offered a great experience, including questions that rewarded teamwork, deduction and educated guessing. The game always felt fair, even when it was challenging. The game never felt skewed toward a particular subject or age range, and could be counted on for accuracy and thorough research. Definitely recommended!”

Mike N, Tigers Trivia Team

“It’s sometimes hard to try to please a multi-age crowd, that’s why I like the Trivia Game Network weekly games – they seem to appeal to all different ages.  There’s a good mix of contemporary questions, plus traditional trivia, so that works for me!”

Speech bubble with a question mark inside

The Trivia Game Network

Three though bubbles