The Way It Works

Once you have signed up for our service, check your inbox — we email you the 20 trivia questions game in its entirety every Monday morning. It’s that simple! On the off-chance that a glitch prevents the email from arriving in your inbox (a glitch? In a computer? That never happens!), you can easily email us or call us, and we’ll get it to you right away.


We want you to be exclusive, so we won’t sell the game to anyone else in your area. You may use the questions yourself at a second or even 3rd venue that you are hosting, as long as you don’t have repeat customers! You may not re-sell our questions to other DJs.


Our questions are in pdf format, with any “handout” questions also attached to each pack. You can print out the handouts for your customers from your printer. These are very popular with the customers, so we try to have visual handouts every few weeks.


If you have access to a screen during your game, we also have slideshows available with the questions on them. For this service, it’s just an additional $10 per week.

Speech bubble with a question mark inside

The Trivia Game Network

Three though bubbles