The TGN Game

We created a 20-question format, 2 hour game. You ask the questions one at a time, giving them the length of a song (about 3 minutes) to bring up their answers. Questions #1 – 8 are worth 5 points each, #s 11 – 18 are 10 points each. Questions #9 and 19 are “catch-up” questions: multiple-answer questions to allow them to earn extra points for their team. And, questions #10 and #20 are the “wager” questions – you give them the category, they wager from 0 to as many points as they have. For these questions (#10 and #20), if they answer correctly, their points wagered is added to their score, but if they get it wrong, it is deducted from their score!

Wager Questions

The wager questions keep the playing field level, preventing the know-it-all teams from being weekly winners and driving away other teams that never seem to win.  This is one of the most important factors in keeping your trivia night growing and making the night profitable for the establishment you are working in.

Trivia team writing down their answers
Trivia Game slide showing a question

The Format

It’s up to you if you want to follow our format or not – the questions are there for you to use in any way, but this format is perfect to “mix it up” a bit. Sometimes, the team with the most points going in to the final question will still win. But sometimes, the team in last place will win first place after all the wagers and answers are in – we love when that happens! If you are interested in following our format, but are confused about it – please feel free to email or call us – we’ll talk you through the whole game!

Trivia Game slide showing a question

The Format

It’s up to you if you want to follow our format or not – the questions are there for you to use in any way, but this format is perfect to “mix it up” a bit. Sometimes, the team with the most points going in to the final question will still win. But sometimes, the team in last place will win first place after all the wagers and answers are in – we love when that happens! If you are interested in following our format, but are confused about it – please feel free to email or call us – we’ll talk you through the whole game!

Speech bubble with a question mark inside

The Trivia Game Network

Three though bubbles